Mini market submission form

You can show your products and/or services, or a poster of your work. Titles, authors, company name and the first two lines of a promotional message or poster abstract will be online by the end of December.


Please use the form below to submit your promotional message or poster abstract for EAA-Innovations 2018.




The author names should be given in the following format: [first name] [initials] [last name]. Multiple author names should be separated by commas, except for the final two, which should be separated by "and".
Example: Jeffrey A. Smith, Jan B. Jansen, Pete C.S. White and Hans-Joachim B. Müller


Company name:*

Please start the title with a capital and type the rest of the title in lower case. Brand names as well as proper names begin with a capital. Please don't use full stops at the end of the title.
Example:  Adjuvants improve the performance of Roundup


Promotional message / Poster abstract:*

Please use the MS WORD "doc" or "docx" format. The maximal length of the abstract is 250 - 300 words. Note that the maximum file size is 1 MB.


Key words:*

Please separate keywords by commas.


Your email address:*
Copy this code:* Captcha

* Marked fields are required