Plenary presenters
A series of inspiring presentations cover the field of built-in and tank-mix adjuvant innovations and formulation developments. The presenters (in alphabetical order) and a brief intro to their presentations are listed below.
Click here for the presenters of academic poster in the adjuvant mini market.
Rieffe, Han
Technology development manager, Croda Crop Care, Gouda, The Netherlands
Cameron, Dr. David
Managing Director of De Sangosse Ltd, Swaffham Bulbeck, UK
Promotion of next ISAA symposium in the Bordeaux Area
Bonn, Prof.Dr. Daniel
Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam / GreenA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Spray drift and deposition additives
Conventional additives make the spray deposition more efficient, but have a negative impact on spray drift and rainfastness of pesticides. Polymeric additives can improve spray deposition and at the same time decrease spray drift by changing the manner in which the spray solution flows. |
Houbraken, Dr. Michael
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Formulation approaches to reduce post-application pesticide volatilisation
Volatilisation of pesticides is a major dissipation pathway for contamination of the environment. Active ingredient losses due to volatilisation range from 30% to 50% up to a staggering 80% of the applied dose and can even exceed run-off losses. There are several ways to significantly reduce volatilisation by a deliberate choice of formulation and adjuvant types. |
Malang, Dr. Ulrike
Manager Formulation Development Biologicals, BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Formulation challenge microbes - how can adjuvants drive innovations
Shelf life, applicability and biological efficacy dictate the formulation of microbial products for crop production like biopesticides and biofertilisers. Besides these main formulation topics, there are also very specific aspects that shape the trends for new adjuvant needs. |
Pineiro Romero, Axa
PhD student at Durham University, Durham, UK
Drying of agrochemical droplets on model surfaces: co-localization of adjuvant and active ingredient and penetration of active into leaves
systemic active ingredient and the adjuvant(s) in the formulation have
to end up in the same place on the leaf surface when a droplet of spray
dries on the leaf to be effective, as is widely believed, though firm
evidence is lacking. The behaviour of drying agrochemicals is studied
using model formulations of a systemic fungicide with a nonionic, a
cationic or an amphoteric adjuvant. |
Popp, Dr. Christian
Leader Formulation/Application Team, Syngenta, Basel, Switzerland
Guiding the active ingredient to its final destination: impact of adjuvants, leaf surfaces and spray nozzles
Successful delivery of an active ingredient to the foliage requires that the spray droplet actually lands and adheres to the target - the leaf surface - to unload this active ingredient. Highspeed videos and other characterization techniques will be shown to illustrate the effect adjuvants have on the delivery and performance of active ingredients. |
de Ruiter, Dr. Hans
Director & project leader, SURfaPLUS, Wageningen, The Netherlands
The effects of adjuvants on drop deposit characteristics
Surfactants, polymers, salts, and emulsifiable seed oils have effect on drop deposit characteristics and thus on the availability of active ingredients. The effects are discussed and highlighted with examples.
Vermeer, Dr. Ronald; KEYNOTE presenter
Formulation technology Environmental Science, Bayer CropScience, Monheim, Germany
Trends in the development of formulations and the role of adjuvants
Adjuvants, both in-can and as tank-mix, are of value in the changing world of formulation optimisation. Some of the recent trends are the growing significance of biological solutions, the impact of the regulatary bodies on the development of for example drift reducing formulations and the need of specific formulation technologies in a digitalizing world. |
Wright, Dr. Dan; KEYNOTE presenter
Science Fellow and leader Garden Product Formulation Team, Monsanto Company, St. Louis, USA
Developing products containing adjuvants for herbicide formulations – New challenges
The inclusion of adjuvants to improve
on-target application is a new challenge to herbicide formulators. This
presentation will discuss these challenges and strategies to address
them, as well as other considerations faced when developing products for
the agricultural market. |
Zweifel, Daniel
Technical Service & Development Manager, The Dow Chemical Company, Horgen, Switzerland
Development of complex crop protection formulations with the use of HTR
High throughput research (HTR) can benefit formulators handling a broad range of variables and seeking to model test plans and analyses. This innovative method of research impacts formulating efficiency in terms of measurement and analysis processes through the lens of recent findings. The HTR approach will be explored for solvent selection, wetting agent optimisation and phase stability testing to prevent turbidity, crystallization and phase separation. |